Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Update on My Life

Hello again, just wanted to let everyone who cares know that I am officially single. Which is new for me, seeing as I've been in an almost 13-month relationship. But yeah... just thought I'd let you know!
Anyways, my next two posts are gonna be essays I wrote during the college application process. The first one, titled "Hunger of Injustice", is the essay I submitted to each school I applied to. It talks about poverty and world hunger and the rich-poor gap, things that have been on m mind for longer than I can remember. The second one, about me, was my Butler Honors Program application essay. It's about me, pretty self-explanatory.
So, um, yeah... that's about it for today, hope you like the essays. One additional note: the first essay was so well-liked by Lawrence University (Appleton, WI) that they are including it in their packet of successful essays, even though I'm not attending their school. Pretty sweet, eh?
Later y'all

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