Friday, July 31, 2009

The Impossible Has Happened

Good afternoon all!

I realized something today: I am bored to tears with facebook. I mean, all I use it for really is to chat with people. So when there's nobody online, say, 8-5 weekdays, it's really quite useless to me. Some people can stay online for hours and hours just going through different applications or whatever, but I figured out that I can't do that. I need to be entertained or at least mentally engaged.

I think the larger issue for me is that I can't do ANYTHING for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, and not get bored silly with it. I need something new, something fun, a challenge of some sort, in order to keep me occupied. And this is precisely the problem with kids today--overexposure to stimuli. From early on, we're constantly having all this craziness around us: facebook, twitter, videogames, crazy movies; we're used to everything being fast-paced and action-packed, so if there is ever a dull moment with nothing going on, we don't know what to do with ourselves. Gone are the days when your Saturday morning activities were sitting on the couch reading the paper cover to cover; no other activities: no cell phone, no laptop, no television. I physically couldn't do that. I honestly don't know anyone who could.

I'm not sure what this means for us as a society. Maybe we lead more satisfying lives because we're exposed to more. Or maybe we're just skimming the surface of things, and are less satisfied because we can never get that depth, we can never commit 100% to something because we have so many other things we're tied to. I don't know. Think on it, and let me know what you decide for yourself. Until next time, Hasta La Vista!


  1. You make a valid point. There is really nothing more to do on Facebook but stalk people until they are online.

    And kudos for typing in complete and coherent sentences. Not many people to that these days.


  2. Nice kid. Just checked this out. Facebook told me too. As your cousin I am one of your "fans" so it notified me.
    I like this. You are an excellent blogger.
